スペインワイン2,600本の評価が発表されました。オ・ヌワージュが輸入販売してるワインもリストアップされています。 特にガリシア地方の白ワインは高く評価されているようです。
私の印象は、James Sucklingのコメントにほぼ同感です。
4)プリオラート多くのワインは非常に重く、味わうのにナイフとフォークが必要なくらいです。 しかし、私はまだCavaで売られていません。多分もっと良い例を試す機会に恵まれていませんから。
I found several wines that I import on this list of 2,600(!) reviews of wines from Spain. I am curious what the reviews say, but not curious enough to pay the subscription fee!
My impressions as a whole are rather similar to James Suckling’s comments:
1) quality Spanish wines with interesting character are far more widely distributed than at any point in the past;
2) Galicia is generally head and shoulders above all other Spanish regions for white wines;
3) Rioja makers (and to a lesser extent Ribera del Duero) get good results when they focus on terroir (and stray away from the narrow definitions of their zones) – and
4) too many Priorats still require a fork and knife to get through them! However I am not sold on Cava yet, maybe I have not had a chance to try some of the better examples.