マルシオ・ロペスは、国際的にも認められつつあるポルトガル北部の新進気鋭のワインメーカーです。マルシオは、ポルトガルのドウロ地方とヴィーニョ・ヴェルデ地方でワインを造っていますが、スペインのリベイラ・サクラ地方でも彼に取って初となるプロジェクトを始めたばかりです。彼の技法は最先端の技術と伝統的な手法を組み合わせた革新的なアプローチで知られており、香りには新鮮さ、味わいには素晴らしいバランスがある複雑なワインで知られています。2020年、マルシオはポルトガルのトップワイン出版社Revista Vinhosから「Enologo Revelacão do Ano(新進気鋭の若手ワインメーカー)」賞を受賞しました。
Marcio Lopes is a top up and coming talent in Northern Portugal, increasingly recognized internationally. Marcio makes wines in Portugal’s Douro and Vinho Verde regions, and has just started his first project in Spain’s Ribeira Sacra region. Known for an innovative approach combining state of the art techniques with very traditional methods, he is known for complex wines with freshness on the nose and great balance on the palate. In 2020 Marcio received the “Enologo Revelacão do Ano” award (“top up and coming young winemaker”) from Revista Vinhos, the top wine publication in Portugal.

Ancestral 2020 (pet nat)
最新のpet natで、とてもスタイリッシュなものです。非常に特徴的なスタイルで、泡立ちが軽く、果実味と新鮮さに溢れ、リフレッシュ感が持続します。安定剤、ろ過、硫黄の添加は一切していません。ルーレイロ種の純粋な美味しさをお楽しみいただけます。日本の蒸し暑い夏にぴったりのワインです。
Our latest pet nat, and what a stylish one! A very distinctive style of pet nat, light on bubbles, full of fruit and freshness, long on refreshment. No stabilization, no filtration, no sulphur additions. Just the pure goodness of the Loureiro grape. Perfect for this season!

ANEL Tinto Reserva 2019 (red)
A fine Douro Reserva quality red, a blend of Touriga Nacional and Touriga Franca, together with a small percentage of old vines field blend. Located on the left bank of the Douro, the vines are protected from intense summer heat and enjoy greater freshness, with a slower and more balanced maturation. The 2019 is particularly fine and aromatic, with the signature freshness of this winemaker. A very good value.

Tinto Atlântico 2019 (red)
A very special red wine from Monção/Melgaço, the capital of the white Alvarinho grape in Portugal. It is a very rare red wine from this location, a blend of three local grapes — Cainho Tinto, Pedral, and Alvarelhão — from an old legacy vineyard dating back to the 1930s. This wine represents a deep look into the past of this region, but possibly also its future. Quite light in color, and very fruity and expressive, this wine is best served lightly chilled. Fewer than 2,000 bottles made.

Pequenos Rebentos Loureiro Vinhas Velhas 2019 (white)¥4,800
A special selection of Loureiro grapes from an old vines parcel. The wine is aged in used Puligny-Montrachet barrels which adds depth and character to the wine while preserving fruit and freshness. A very pronounced citrus character accompanies an excellent balance on the nose and palate. This year was a VERY low yield — only 926 bottles made!

Permitido Centenaria 2019 (white)
A medium-bodied Douro white blend of 15 local grape varieties from an ancient vine system planted in 1896 (now 125 years old). Wonderful citrus on the nose accompanied by intense minerality. Rated consistently amongst the top white wines in Portugal. Only 1,200 bottles produced.